
The Duncan Download Blog: Business Aviation Advice & Observations

ADS-B Mandate by the Numbers

Posted by Duncan Download Blog on Tue, Mar 28, 2017 @ 09:00 AM

ADSB Now small.jpgDuncan Aviation estimates that roughly 6,000 of the business jets in its core customer base still need ADS-B. That paints a pretty urgent picture of the industry. However, when you consider that ADS-B affects ALL aircraft, it's an even more dramatic picture. The number of U.S.-based turbine aircraft that still need ADS-B is closer to 11,000 and the number of all U.S. aircraft that still need ADS-B is closer to 74,000.

Brian Redondo, Duncan Aviation's Ft. Lauderdale Satellite Shop Manager, explains why he is concerned about the shortage of qualified installation labor.

"During the RVSM mandate compliance phase, shops performing RVSM installations could hire technicians from other shops that were slow because their core customers were not affected by the mandate. That won't be possible with ADS-B because every installation shop will be performing these installations for many years to come. And honestly, there is already a shortage of skilled labor as it is."

Operators need to begin looking at their paths for compliance and schedule the work needed, and soon. This video will highlight some of the key figures about why you need to be thinking about your upgrade now.

Tags: Avionics Installation, ADS-B, NextGen


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