
The Duncan Download Blog: Business Aviation Advice & Observations

Meet A Duncan Aviation Regional Manager

Posted by Duncan Download Blog on Tue, Jul 29, 2014 @ 04:58 PM


“Every day, I get to do what I enjoy; I work with customers, and do my best to keep the business going.”

Allan Orsi, Regional Manager, South America

How does Duncan Aviation meet the needs of its South American customers, from the northernmost Punta Gallinas, Colombia to the southernmost Cape Horn and everywhere in between?

Meet Allan Orsi.

Recruited in 2008 by a family friend, Allan worked as an agent for Duncan Aviation throughout South America. After four years of hard work and a whole lot of travel, Allan became a Regional Manager in August 2012.

“There are many things I appreciate about working for Duncan Aviation. Ever

y day, I get to do what I enjoy; I work with customers, and do my best to keep the business going.

And Duncan Aviation is honest. Everyone has the same moral and ethical values that I have, and that environment makes for pleasant work conditions.”

Working for a company located in North America and living in Brazil with the entire South American continent as his territory requires quite a bit of travel. In addition to calling on customers, Allan visits the Duncan Aviation facilities in the United States roughly eight times each year.

One way from Sao Paulo to Lincoln takes 13 hours, unless the United States is off daylight saving time—then it takes 15 hours. From early March until November, Campinas and Lincoln, Nebraska, have a two-hour time difference; from November to March, it’s four hours, and the time difference complicates travel and phone meetings and requires careful planning.

Duncan Aviation Regional Managers

Duncan Aviation has 13 regional managers stratigically placed across the world in an effort to better support
our customers. Download the Duncan Aviation Regional Manager map and contact the one in your area. 

Download Duncan Aviation  Regional Managers Map

Tags: International Considerations, Customer Service


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