We are inside of five years now and rapidly closing in on the 2020 deadline for the NextGen equipment upgrades mandated by the FAA.
Do you know all that you need to know?
Do you know what you don't know?
Do you know where to go to find out?
If you want access the latest and most complete information about all things NextGen, you have hit pay dirt!
And you can collect it here: www.DuncanAviation.aero/nextgen
The Duncan Aviation NextGen Information page is the go-to place for information about all aspects of the NextGen initiatives.
There you will find
- a countdown to see exactly how many days, hours and minutes remain before January 1, 2020.
- links to the equipment available for various make/model aircraft
- contact information for all of our avionics experts around the country
- publications about NextGen, including the Straight Talk about NextGen, the Straight Talk about ADS-B, blogs, and other articles about NextGen components.
- top questions operators have regarding NextGen
- a detailed timeline of dates for the NextGen mandates (downloadable!)
- an informative webinar about FANS 1/A
Several Duncan Aviation's avionics team have been traveling the United States for a couple of years, holding free NextGen seminars. To find out more about these seminars or any of Duncan Aviation's other speaking engagements, check the Upcoming Duncan Aviation NextGen Events section of the web page for dates, times and registration information.
What are you wainting for? GO!