
The Duncan Download Blog: Business Aviation Advice & Observations

Duncan Aviation Launches Go-To Web Resource for All Aspects of NextGen

Posted by Duncan Download Blog on Thu, Aug 06, 2015 @ 07:00 AM



We are inside of five years now and rapidly closing in on the 2020 deadline for the NextGen equipment upgrades mandated by the FAA.

Do you know all that you need to know?  

Do you know what you don't know? 

Do you know where to go to find out?


If you want access the latest and most complete information about all things NextGen, you have hit pay dirt!  

And you can collect it here:

The Duncan Aviation NextGen Information page is the go-to place for information about all aspects of the NextGen initiatives.

There you will find

  • a countdown to see exactly how many days, hours and minutes remain before January 1, 2020.
  • links to the equipment available for various make/model aircraft
  • contact information for all of our avionics experts around the country
  • publications about NextGen, including the Straight Talk about NextGen, the Straight Talk about ADS-B, blogs, and other articles about NextGen components.
  • top questions operators have regarding NextGen
  • a detailed timeline of dates for the NextGen mandates (downloadable!)
  • an informative webinar about FANS 1/A

Several Duncan Aviation's avionics team have been traveling the United States for a couple of years, holding free NextGen seminars. To find out more about these seminars or any of Duncan Aviation's other speaking engagements, check the Upcoming Duncan Aviation NextGen Events section of the web page for dates, times and registration information.

What are you wainting for? GO!

Tags: ADS-B, FANS, NextGen

Duncan Aviation & Safran Engineering Services Announce FANS-1/A STC

Posted by Duncan Download Blog on Wed, May 20, 2015 @ 08:50 AM


During a reception at the European Businss Aviation Convention and Exhibtion in Geneva, Switzerland, Duncan Aviation and Safran Engineering Services announced a new Supplemental Type Certificate for FANS-1/A solution that will cover the Bombardier Challenger 601-3A/3R business aircraft.

Safran Engineering Services will be in charge of the design and certification while Duncan Aviation will be responsible for the installation of the avionics into the aircraft. Duncan Aviation will be the owner of the Supplemental Type Certificate and is also responsible for the sales and marketing of the solution.

In the photo L to R: John Slieter, Duncan Aviation Vice President of Service Sales,  Wolf-Godart von Drachenfels, Executive VP Business Strategy, Safran Engineering Services (Safran Group), Aaron Hilkemann, Duncan Aviation President / CEO. 

Read the full announcement here

Tags: International Considerations, FANS, NextGen

Free NextGen Seminars in 2015

Posted by Kate Dolan on Thu, Jan 15, 2015 @ 08:00 AM


In 2014, Mark Francetic, Regional Avionics Sales Manager for Duncan Aviation, hosted several free, day-long NextGen seminars. Because interest in information and equipment is increasing as we draw closer to the 2020 deadline for the NextGen mandates, Mark will once again host a series of free seminars in 2015.

“We’ve been talking about the mandates and how they affect all of us for several years now,” says Mark, “and the discussion is shifting from the theoretical to the practical. Instead of asking, ‘What is ADS-B?’ and ‘What is FANS 1A,’ we are now asking, ‘What equipment do I need to outfit or retrofit my aircraft so it complies with the mandates stipulated in the rapidly approaching 2020 deadline?’”

Mark’s mission is to provide practical information about precisely what equipment owner/operators need and what certified equipment is currently available or will be soon.

Many of our channel partners now offer certified equipment that fulfills the ADS-B and FANS 1/A mandates. As Mark hosts NextGen seminars at key locations throughout the United States in 2015, many of those partners, including Cobham, Universal, Safran Engineering Services, GoGo Business Aviation, Satcom Direct, ICG, Honeywell, L-3 and True North, will join him.

The free seminars feature presentations about new and existing NextGen products and Q&A sessions. The seminars are popular and fill up quickly.

“Last year, we had one attendee who drove 445 miles to attend the seminar in Seattle, Washington,” says Mark.

Mark will kick off the seminar series at the Hilton Fort Lauderdale Marina in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on January 29. Space is limited for these free seminars, and lunch is included.

Mark is also hosting a seminar in Salt Lake City on February 19 and one at AEA in Dallas on April 7. He plans to host five more throughout the year but dates and locations for those are not yet determined.

Contact Mark for information about registration or to RSVP.

702.303.4888 (Mobile)

702.262.6142 (Office)

Tags: ADS-B, FANS, NextGen

Duncan Aviation Avionics Catalog

Posted by Diane Heiserman on Wed, Apr 09, 2014 @ 01:02 PM

Contributed by Adrian Chene , avionics installation tech rep

For many aircraft owners, choosing which aircraft systems require upgrade can be a real challenge. None of the current publications are written with the aircraft owner in mind. Duncan Aviation has changed that. We have designed the Duncan Aviation Avionics Catalog to provide a common sense non-aviation explanation of what a modification actually does for you the owner.

DOM’s should also feel free to use this information when explaining the benefits of recommended upgrades to owners."

To discuss avionics installation solutions specific to your aircraft, contact a Duncan Aviation Avionics Installation Sales Rep.

Aircell gogo Biz


Aircell ATG5000

Domestic Inflight Internet

Getting office speed when en route to Aspen.

The Aircell GoGo internet is not your father’s dial-up system. It is fast. Airline passengers share one Aircell internet connection. You can have your very own. How fast, you ask? 1-3 Mbps fast.

With GoGo, you get more than just the Internet. Aircell has engaged the major cellular players, providing an App that allows you to send and receive texts and phone calls to your personal phone while in flight. There is an additional initial and monthly charge for this service.

What is in the Aircell system? Two electronics boxes and two belly-mounted antennas that when installed spell staying in charge in flight. The Aircell system has an STC and can be installed during most scheduled inspections without delaying your aircraft’s return.

 AVIATOR 700 black small (blog)

International Inflight Internet

For the plugged-in business traveler, the notion of slipping off the grid during long transoceanic flights is not a viable option. They feel unproductive if not allowed to extend their office skyward and keep working. Cobham developed the most cost- effective international internet system for this application.

The Cobham Aviator 700 internet connection runs at approximately 432Kbps during the long legs that challenge your resistance to boredom. When paired with the right router, internet connection speeds can be even faster.

In addition to providing reliable internet connections, it operates as a phone system allowing your aircrew to send and receive data messages to Air Traffic Control and your maintenance teams. The Aviator 700D may also provide the satellite link for a FANS 1/A aircraft.

If the antenna system can be reused, the installation can be complied with during other scheduled work with no impact to schedule. Aircraft requiring a new antenna will require more time to install the system. Either way, call us. We’ll answer all of your questions.

 Rockwell Collins

Rockwell Collins Venue

Guest Entertainment

Whether you want to review a presentation with your sales team on a bigger screen or are just trying to get the kids to fall asleep en route to Paris, entertainment systems remain as relevant in the air as they are on the ground. A cabin system that represents an excellent mix of value versus cost is called Venue from Rockwell Collins.

State-of-the-art components provide fully digital vibrant 1080p video and crystal clear heart pounding sound at a price point similar to the low def equipment available just a few years ago.

Your HD iTunes content, and ripped media at home are now available in flight via Rockwell Collin’s Skybox. Skybox stores content locally, providing a familiar environment, friendly to board members and family alike.

Control of your environment has never been so easy with apps that turn your IOS device into a universal cabin remote.



International Phone

From Antarctica to Chicago you have a need to talk to people. You don’t say goodnight to a child or negotiate a delicate point of a contract via email? When you need to be clear, even in remote regions of the world, Aircell’s Axxess system is a dual-line phone that works anywhere your aircraft is.

Axxess has noise-canceling handsets with two lines of communication. It is a relatively low cost system to install with a low cost per minute to use. If you decide to install it along with Aircell’s GoGo domestic internet service, you will save over $10,000.

Aircell has established itself as the largest manufacturer of Iridium systems in the business jet world and maintains its position as an industry leader in domestic internet services.

 Satcom Direct

Satcom Direct Router

Geek Chic: Routers Matter 

I will rattle off the laundry list of bad to the bone IT gizmos that have been included in this unit, because I know part of being geek chic is embracing the lingo, but listen closely; GET THIS ROUTER. I should also mention that the Satcom Direct’s Router costs less than any of its closest competitors with an increased level of versatility and added features.

It streams movies securely to mobile devices from onboard media servers super-fast. The Satcom Direct router automatically establishes a secure link between the aircraft and your home or corporate network when connected outside the U.S.

This secure link makes your international internet faster due to hardware level accelerators that compress and encrypt traffic so that your computer doesn’t have to.

It also has cellular failover, so you aren’t spending big bucks while parked on the tarmac. Pesky hackers are fended off with all the standard Wi-Fi security options.

 Rockwell Collins

ADS-B: Meeting The Mandate 

A mandate is something a regulatory authority like the FAA will require to continue to operate your aircraft without limitations. ADS-B is one such mandate that is required by 2018 for Europe (EASA), 2020 in the U.S. (FAA), and right now in the pacific nations.

ADS-B increases the amount of information available to Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) about your aircraft. This permits better traffic management and safety for both ATC and you.

 Universal Avionics LP LPV monitor

FANS 1/A: Why is it necessary? 

Imagine a school of fish swimming in the ocean’s current. More and more fish enter the current as time goes on until there are so many that not all of them are able to fit in the current. That is essentially what has occurred over the Atlantic Ocean for aircraft.

The air current for aircraft is called the North Atlantic Track (NAT). It is a shifting highway in the sky that changes depending on wind direction. A few years ago controllers began to notice this current becoming more and more crowded.

FANS 1/A is a new communications method that theoretically allows controllers to pack more aircraft in this highway in the sky. It equates to fuel savings and shorter flight time. It is now being mandated for trans-Atlantic NAT aircraft.

 Thumb Drive

Crew Gizmos: Retire The Floppy 

For the last 15 years, the 3.5-inch floppy disk has been the mainstay of your crew’s interface to the computers on board your aircraft. It is time to upgrade to a thumb drive. While not a quantum leap of technology, it loads faster and more reliably. Both Honeywell and Rockwell Collins have released their new thumb drive data loaders that are rugged and consistently perform.

Also, an upgrade to your floppy drive in many cases is required prior to doing other upgrades to your aircraft.



Have a better chance of landing when and where you want. 

WAAS/LPV sounds more like a syndrome than a solution for problematic landing procedures. It is a series of system and software upgrades that allow your aircraft to perform better during an approach to an airport.

 If your aircraft is equipped with WAAS/LPV you will be able to land at airports experiencing poor weather where you would have normally been diverted. This means more on-time landings.

Also, with more and more aircraft being equipped with WAAS/LPV every day, aircraft not equipped with WAAS/LPV may have a lower resale value when it comes time to sell.

 Global Batch 3+

Bunches of Mods: Batch 3+

With the current pace of Batch 3+ completion, the most important thing to know about Batch 3+ is that it is a pay me now or pay me later proposition. Aircraft not equipped will suffer dearly at time of sale and face operational limitations. With that being said, it is recommended to invest now in Batch 3+, while competition amongst aircraft shops is most likely to get you the best deal.

Batch 3+ has three parts. Two are optional, one is mandatory before completing the others.

Batch 3+ Part 1 (mandatory) is a general upgrade of the operational software of the avionics system. In addition to fixing some known problems, it adds future provisions to keep the aircraft viable through additional upgrades.

Batch 3+ Part 2 (optional) is related to FANS 1/A. This modification allows your aircrews to keep operating in oceanic highways in the sky with better communications to air traffic control. This is due to new flying rules

Batch 3+ Part 3 (optional) is related to WAAS-LPV. This modification allows the aircrews to fly into airports that are experiencing poor weather conditions with more success.

 Falcon EASy II

 Falcon EASy II

Must Have Mods 

The Easy II upgrade is not all about fancy gadgets. It is about bringing your aircraft into a new digital flight environment. Air traffic management agencies around the world are changing the rules of flight in air space over the oceans, Europe and even here in the U.S. What follows is a baseline for EASY II modifications that will maintain your aircraft’s current operational capabilities.

The EASy II Baseline upgrade provides software fixes some issues and provides minor operational improvements. It also serves as a prerequisite for all other modifications.

CPDLC This is a European mandate related to air traffic control operations in the European Union (EU).

FANS 1/A - A mandate that improves communications from air traffic control operations to your aircrews during trans-oceanic flights.  

ADS-B - A U.S. (2020) and EU (2018) mandate that increases the aircraft information available to air traffic controllers.

 Falcon EASy II

Falcon EASy II

Safer Nice-to-Have Options    

Now let’s discuss options that can significantly increase the level of safety aboard your aircraft.

It is important to note that you and your teams are not alone in this process, Duncan Aviation’s sales teams are here to help explain the advantages and costs associated with modifications in a refreshingly non-technical manner.

  • WAAS/LPV provides improved guidance when flying in to airports experiencing bad weather.
  • Paperless Charts make maintaining aircraft databases easier and may remove the requirement for paper charts on board (pending final approval by local aviation inspector).
  • XM Weather improves crew situational awareness regarding inclement weather.
  • Synthetic Vision produces a video game like display of the surrounding terrain to improve the aircrew’s situational awareness.
  • Automatic Descent Mode will causes aircraft to fly down to breathable altitude if a loss of cabin pressure occurs

Adrian Chene is an Avionics Tech Rep for Duncan Aviation. He provides troubleshooting and technical advice on avionics installation services, and specializes in custom, integrated HSD solutions. He began working in aviation in 1996.

Tags: WAAS, Wi-Fi, Network Security, In-Flight Internet, ADS-B, FANS

Duncan Aviation Updates its Popular “Straight Talk About FANS” Ebook

Posted by Duncan Download Blog on Wed, Mar 12, 2014 @ 10:43 AM

Straight Talk About FANS

Duncan Aviation recently released an update to its “Straight Talk About FANS” ebook, which gives operators a closer look at the Future Air Navigation Systems involved with the FAA’s NextGen initiative.

Duncan Aviation’s team of experts compiled information to explain FANS 1/A, including what equipment is needed and how it functions, the benefits of the enhanced communications systems and the applicable regulations and certification in an easy-to-read ebook.

Justin Vena, Duncan Aviation Avionics Installations Sales Rep in Battle Creek and others at Duncan Aviation know there are many operators wondering what each of the FAA’s NextGen systems are and how they are used, the costs of implementation and whether there is a datalink system for their aircraft.

“Although there are no easy answers in the retrofit market, our Straight Talk About FANS is meant to help clarify the FANS protocol and how the mandates affect communication systems in various aircraft,” Vena says.

Vena explains that there is no one datalink system that will fit every aircraft, and often it takes a variety of avionics equipment to comply with the new guidelines and mandates. “Our, avionics experts have done the research and can assist customers with any questions regarding FANS,” he says.

To download a copy of Straight Talk About FANS, visit

In addition to this publication about FANS 1/A, Duncan Aviation avionics experts have developed Straight Talk booklets for NextGen and other systems including Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums (RVSM) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B).

For more information, stop by booth #604 this week at the Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA) 57th Annual International Convention and Trade Show in Nashville, Tennessee.

Tags: International Considerations, Avionics Installation, ADS-B, FANS

Understanding FANS Classes Scheduled During 2013 NBAA Convention

Posted by Diane Heiserman on Thu, Oct 10, 2013 @ 08:00 AM


Duncan Aviation has released an update to its popular “Straight Talk About FANS” Ebook. It can be downloaded at

At the upcoming NBAA 2013 – Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition in Las Vegas, Nevada, Duncan Aviation will present expert advice and guidance through the ever-changing and complex subject of Future Air Navigation Systems (FANS). This one-hour session called “Understanding FANS” will be presented by Duncan Aviation Avionics Sales Representative, Justin Vena, on Wednesday, October 23, during the show.

Attendees will be briefed on the evolution of FANS, how FANS operates, certification and upcoming mandates. Justin will explain Controller Pilot Data Link (CPDLC), Automatic Dependent Surveillance Contract (ADS-C) and how they operate, including details about what happens with initial set-up and operation, including air traffic controller hand-offs, and explain the components included in a typical system. The session will also address FANS mandates in Europe and the North Atlantic tracks.

Duncan Aviation FANS 1/A Resources

FANS 1/A+ is a complex subject, with each aircraft requiring its own unique solution. Because of this complexity, operators have a lot of questions and expert advice is in demand. Duncan Aviation has been instrumental in the development of several resources to assist operators as they work through what is needed for FANS 1/A+ compliance.

With a Straight Talk ebook, a video series, a webinar, multiple blog posts and Duncan Intelligence articles, FANS information by Duncan Aviation has been read and downloaded thousands of times by operators throughout the world. 

Duncan Aviation’s FANS resources include:

Understanding FANS, a four-part FANS video series:

Straight Talk About FANS 1/A, an ebook available for download:

A FANS 1/A Webinar, available for download:

All of these resources provide current information on the evolution of FANS, how FANS operates, certification and upcoming mandates. In addition, Duncan Aviation offers information and advice regarding FANS operations, and answers the most common questions that operators are asking.

For more information, please visit Duncan Aviation at booth #C8543 at NBAA 2013 held Oct. 22-24 in Las Vegas, or watch for announcements at

Tags: Avionics Installation, Conventions & Exhibitions, FANS, Webinar

FANS Video Series: Understanding ADS-C & CPDLC

Posted by Diane Heiserman on Tue, Nov 27, 2012 @ 08:50 AM

Contributed by Justin Vena, Avionics Installation Sales Rep

FANS avionics video

Future Air Navigation Systems (FANS) provides direct data link communication between the pilot and air traffic controller.

A lot has changed in the world of air traffic control during the past 70 years. To help diagram some of the more recent changes, I have created and released a four-part video series on Understanding Future Air Navigation Systems (FANS), the avionics system that provides direct data link communication between the pilot and air traffic controller. Below are the highlights of the first video: ADS-C & CPDLC.

What is FANS

The acronym FANS stands for "Future Air Navigation System." It is designed to increase the communication between the pilot and controllers by providing a common language that is not influenced or interrupted by language barriers or accents. FANS can be divided into two parts, Automatic Dependent Surveillance Contract (ADS-C) and Controller Pilot Data Link Communication (CPDLC).


With ADS-C, there are three types of contracts that can be set up by your controller and one set up by the pilot.

Periodic contracts are time-based and can be varied when necessary by Air Traffic Control (ATC) needs.

An Event contract is a contract set up by the ATC that predesignates your aircraft’s altitude, vertical speed or any of several other different parameters. If you deviate from any of these parameters, they are notified immediately.

Demand contracts are initiated by ATC when they want to know where every play is right now. Everyone responds on demand.

A Mayday Message contract is controlled and initiated by the pilot during emergency circumstances.  


CPDLC is a standardized, formatted language that is used in text messages sent between ATC and the cockpit of the aircraft.

View the entire four-part FANS video series at

At Duncan Aviation, we consider ourselves to be on the cutting edge of all avionics technology, and the subject of FANS 1/A is no different. We have done ample research and talked with hundreds of our customers to develop the most valuable information we can provide.

In addition to this video series about FANS 1/A, our team of avionics experts have developed Straight Talk booklets for NextGen and other systems including Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums (RVSM) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B). Visit for more information.

Duncan Aviation's FANS 1/A webinar coming in December

On December 18, 2012, at 2PM Eastern (EST), I will be hosting an hour-long FAN 1/A internet webinar for operators researching FANS compliance for their aircraft, and all aviation enthusiasts with an interest in FAA NextGen initiatives. There is no charge for the event and seating is limited, so register early and reserve your spot today!

FANS Webinar Registration

Justin Vena is an Avionics Installation Sales Rep at Duncan Aviation’s Battle, MI, facility. He has a passion for understanding the world’s NextGen initiatives that has led to a four-part video series on the on the subject of FANS. He is an industry leader on the subject of FANS and has been asked to conduct classes and give presentations all across the country. He specializes in NextGen Initiatives. His Aviation career began in 1988.

Tags: Avionics Installation, FANS, Webinar

Duncan Aviation Releases ‘Understanding FANS’ Video Series

Posted by Diane Heiserman on Thu, Oct 18, 2012 @ 11:00 AM

Understanding FANS

A lot has changed in the world of air traffic control during the past 70 years. To help diagram some of the more recent changes, Duncan Aviation released a four-part video series on Understanding Future Air Navigation Systems (FANS), the avionics system that provides direct data link communication between the pilot and air traffic controller.

Justin Vena, Avionics Installations Rep for Duncan Aviation, hosted the series which details FANS history, evolution, operations, certification and upcoming mandates. He gives advice regarding FANS operations and answer the most common questions he hears from operators.

Justin’s passion for understanding the world’s NextGen initiatives has led to his extensive research on the subject. The FANS video series explains Controller Pilot Data Link (CPDLC), Automatic Dependent Surveillance Contract (ADS-C) and how they operate. He gives details about what happens with initial set-up and operation, including air traffic controller hand-offs, and explains the components included in a typical FANS system.

The video series provides information in regards to FANS mandates in Europe and the North Atlantic tracks. This resource is provided by Duncan Aviation in addition to the company’s ebook, Straight Talk About FANS 1/A, which was released in 2011 and can be found at

Duncan Aviation FANS 1/A Webinar

Take a deeper look into the subject of FANS 1/A by attending an online interactive webinar hosted by Justin Vena on December 18th, 2012, 2-3 pm EST. He'll go into depth about how FANS work, generic system configurations, certification requirements and mandates, plus much more.

Duncan Aviation's FANS 1/A webinar is a free internet seminar for operators researching FANS compliance for their aircraft, and all aviation enthusiasts with an interest in FAA NextGen initiatives. There are only 100 "seats" available. Register today.

FANS Webinar Registration

You may also sign up for the webinar by joining Duncan Aviation in booth #5580 at the 2012 NBAA Convention in Orlando, Florida, October 29-31.

Tags: Avionics Installation, FANS, Videos

FANS-1/A: Real Answers to Business Aircraft Questions

Posted by Diane Heiserman on Tue, Oct 09, 2012 @ 03:50 PM

Contributed by Gary Harpster, Avionics Sales Rep

FANS-1A Questions

My best advice to you, as an operator, is to start now and ask questions and continue to ask questions until you understand. Then ask more.

There is so much information available to customers who are beginning their research on FANS-1A solutions. Your best approach when beginning your FANS-1A research is to ask a lot of questions. But don’t be surprised if your questions create more. Break out a pen; it’s time to start taking some notes.

Below is an experience I had with a recent customer while discussing a FANS-1A solution for his aircraft. We began to discuss the need for very precise aircraft position information. I told him the least expensive path would be to install WAAS receivers, as they have the level of accuracy needed to accomplish a FANS-1/A solution.

Customer Question #1 - FMS

“OK. So new FMSs will get me to a FANS-1/A solution?”

No, not exactly. You’ll still need a means of sending and receiving text data from the cockpit to the airspace controlling agency, so you will need some sort of data link system besides the Flight Management Systems.

Customer Question #2 – Data Link Systems

“OK. So, if I get new FMSs and a Data Link System, then I’ll be FANS-1/A compliant?”

Not just yet. You see, since all voice information is being captured by the cockpit voice recorder now and you’re going to start texting, you will need a different cockpit voice recorder (CVR) than what you have now that can capture text data. 

Customer Question #3 - CVR

“I think I’ve got it! A new CVR, Data Link and Flight Management Systems, will get me FANS-1A solution.”  

Well I’m afraid not, at least not yet. Even though you have the accuracy, the means of capturing the data and generating text data, you still need to send it and receive it and, since you are too far away from land for a VHF signal, you are going to have to rely on Satellite Communications.  If you are looking for the most cost effective means, I’d suggest using an Iridium Transceiver. 

Customer Question #4 – FANs-1A Effective Date

“I had no idea all of this was needed. When does this take effect again? 2015?”

In 2015 is when VHF Datalink (VDL) Mode 2 begins. However, the regulatory authority over the Atlantic is International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and they are saying no one, who is not FANS-1A compliant, will be allowed to fly within the North Atlantic Tracks between the altitudes of FL370 to FL390 beginning in February of 2013. 

Customer Question #5 – Installation Qualifications

“2013! That’s less than five months away! Where can I get this system installed?” 

That’s a potential challenge too. Any MROs who have the capability to install the system on your aircraft, are also required to have a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for the entire solution, including all of the components. There currently isn’t much out there being offered, in the way of a full solution. Even if there was, you are still required to get a new Letter of Authorization (LOA), which could take months to get approved by your local Flight Standard District Office (FSDO), especially since their work load is so high right now.

Customer Question #6 – Is that it?

You mentioned VDL Mode 2 in 2015? What does that mean?”

Many operators were told that if they put in this initial solution, the one we just talked about, that when 2015 rolls around and Europe is begin requiring VDL Mode 2, that they would be exempt from having upgrade because they complied early to the first portion. That sounds good, but sometimes you have to ask what it really means to be exempt?

In this case, it means that 75 percent of the aircraft operating in Europe will already be complaint, so the remaining 25% will be managed into the airspaces when they can be, with priority being given to aircraft that are already compliant.

Ask Questions Until You Understand, Then Ask More

Because each aircraft requires a unique solution, all systems require a fresh approach. My best advice to you, as an operator, is to start now and ask questions and continue to ask questions until you understand. Then ask more. There is so much information out about the FANs-1/A topic, but so much is still unknown. I’m afraid that we’ve only scratched the surface.

At Duncan Aviation, we consider ourselves to be on the cutting edge of all avionics technology, and the subject of FANS-1/A is no different. We have done ample research and talked with hundreds of our customers to develop the most valuable information we can provide. To learn the latest about FANS-1/A, download the Straight Talk about FANS booklet. Watch for information coming soon about an upcoming FANS video series and webinar, created by Duncan Aviation FANS experts.

Gary Harpster serves as an Avionics Installations Sales Rep. at Duncan Aviation's full-service facility in Lincoln, Neb. (LNK), specializing in Hawkers and Learjets. He is an industry expert on NextGen initiatives, giving presentations across the U.S. Gary is currently serving as Vice-Chair of the AEA board of advisors. He began his career in aviation in 1977.

Tags: Regulations, Avionics Installation, FANS

FANS/ Link 2000+: What You Need to Know About Flying in EASA Airspace

Posted by Diane Heiserman on Thu, May 10, 2012 @ 06:00 AM

Contributed by Justin Vena, Avionics Installation Sales Rep

FMS 6100

Bottom Line: If you routinely fly in the world's oceanic routes, you want to be FANS and Link 2000+ compliant.

The Three major OEMS for business aircraft in operation within EASA airspace are exempt from the Link 2000+ mandate that takes affect after 2015 under Article 14. Basically, if you operate an out-of-production business aircraft in EASA airspace only and do not plan on traveling internationally, you are exempt from the Link 2000+ mandate. You will need to file an exemption request with EASA and obtain approval under Article 14. There are two articles of exemption, Article 1 aircraft are permanent exemptions and Article 2 are temporary exemptions.

Does my Business Aircraft have to comply with the Link 2000+ mandate to fly in EASA airspace after 2015?

The short answer is yes and no.

No. All non-production business aircraft in operation within EASA airspace are exempt from the Link 2000+ mandate that takes affect after 2015. Basically, if you operate an out-of-production business aircraft in EASA airspace only and do not plan on traveling internationally, you are exempt from the Link 2000+ mandate.

Yes. All current production model aircraft will have to comply with the Link 2000+ mandate after 2015.

Does my aircraft have to comply with the FANS mandate to fly in the North Atlantic Tracks after 2015?

Yes. The North Atlantic Tracks (NATs) are the fastest and most efficient routes between North America and EASA. After 2015, all aircraft flying the NAT must be FANS compliant.

Take note, the two center tracks of NAT will be closing to non-FANS compliant traffic by 2013.

International Travel Options

If you don’t want to pay the expense required to become FANS compliant, you are not totally without options. As stated above, by the end of 2013, ONLY the center two NAT tracks will become unavailable non-FANS aircraft. There are other routes available between North America and Europe. However, these routes are longer and have less than ideal conditions.

If you consistently fly these routes rather than the NAT, you will incur higher operating and maintenance costs associated with the added flight hours. Many aircraft will also require an aditional fuel stop for Atlantic crossings.

Best Equipped = Best Served

There are many oceanic routes around the world that, at the present time, do not require aircraft to be FANS compliant. However, they are beginning to adopt the “Best Equipped, Best Serviced” policy. It is not uncommon to hear of an aircraft having to sit on the runway waiting for clearance to take-off as other better-equipped aircraft are allowed to leave before them.

Duncan Aviation's team of avionic experts have compiled information to explain FANS 1/A, equipment, operational facts, benefits of the systems and regulation and certification in the easy-to-read ebook: Straight Talk About FANS. Download your copy here.

Justin will be attending European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition (EBACE) in Geneva, Switzerland, from May 14 – 16. If you have any questions or want to talk about NextGen initiatives, schedule an appointment or stop by stand #456.

Justin Vena is an Avionics Installation Sales Rep at Duncan Aviation’s Battle, MI, facility. He specializes in NextGen Initiatives. His Aviation career began in 1988.

Tags: International Considerations, Avionics Installation, FANS


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